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İlk Fattening Starter Feed

  • Supplementary mixed feed adjusted to meet the daily necessary nutrition needs of the calves to be taken to the fattening period or the male calves from the 6th month.
  • It is balanced with the nutritional elements and additives necessary for the daily live weight gain.
  • The protein, carbonhydrate and fat amounts are balanced.
  • It ensures the regular development of the muscle and skeleton system within the first two months of the fattening period.
  • It ensures a rapid growth and daily maximum live weight increase.
  • The transition feeding should be applied in the initial usages and the livestock should be gradually introduced to the new feed.
  • The transition feeding is the increase of the new feed while decreasing the old feed and the mixture of both feeds.
  • At the beginning of the fattening period, parasitary disinfection and vaccination should be applied to the livestock.
  • The young animals are fattened better than the older animals.
  • A fattening calf consumes dry substance at about 2.5% of its daily live weight.

Practical Tips

  • “In the initial use, transition feeding should be performed, and the animal should be gradually accustomed to the new feed. Transition feeding involves reducing the old feed and increasing the new feed, and mixing the two feeds.”
  • “During the start of fattening, animals should definitely be treated with parasiticides and vaccinated.”
  • “Young animals are better at fattening than older ones.”
  • “A beef cow consumes about 2.5% of its live weight in dry matter per day.”