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Karnaval Mix Milk Feed Cereal Mixture

  • Supplementary mixed feed adjusted so as to meet the daily necessary nutrition needs from the beginning of calving of the milk cows until their delactation.
  • It is balanced with the nutritional elements and additives necessary for the daily live weight gain, survival rate and milk yield.
  • It is a suitable type of feed for the enterprises where there are available grains.
  • Tasty feed raw materials are used.
  • It is balanced with protein, energy, carbonhydrate and minerals.
  • A balanced TMR can be prepared with all kinds of grains and silage due to the high amount of protein content that is digestible in the small intestine.
  • It is balanced with lysine and methionine that are digestible in the small intestine.
  • The pre-natal nutrition of the dairy animals is very important.
  • The nutrition of the dairy animals within the first month from the delivery is very important.
  • The conception of the dairy animals 3 months after the delivery is one of the initial parameters of the economic dairy farming.

Nutrition Table

For a more effective usage, I suggest that you consult with our company’s nutrition specialist to get more information on the subject.

Practical Tips

  • The nutrition of dairy animals before giving birth is crucial.
  • The nutrition of dairy animals in the first month after giving birth is crucial.
  • Dairy animals becoming pregnant 3 months after giving birth is one of the key parameters of economic dairy farming.